
Showing posts from June, 2014

The Perfect Phone

The Mobile phone manufacturers are moving ahead so fast and with such variety that its hard to keep up. Now when a person decides to buy a phone, they have to spend some time looking through all the different brands to find something that is both in budget and has all the required features. But there is a big problem here, if you ignore all the gimmicks and focus on the essential features that a phone should have you will find that such a phone is really hard to find. If it has the price going for you, its probably lacking in some value added feature like unsatisfactory camera and even if you are a big spender you will find it hard to find something comfortable. With the flag ships now approaching bigger screen sizes every year, the size is becoming a nuisance and the user interfaces are just becoming too clusters and full of stuff that doesn't really help much. So a perfect phone should be such that its comfortable to keep and hold, easy to use and should have premium compo...

Wearable Technology that would really become a part of life!

wearable technology is the new focus around the tech town. everyone is coming up with their smart watch and Google is due to release the Google Glass. while it all seems cool because its new, there are a few problems that need to be addressed to make these wearable gadgets really integrate into the consumers life. first of all the screen is just too small for common telephonic operations i.e calling and texting let alone tweeting, facebooking and browsing. You can see different notifications but you can't respond easily. Performing an actual operation like calling some one, or look for a location on a map or perform some mathematical calculations. These tasks all require some input for which the screen is just too small. The 2nd is listening to a call, you cant just hold your watch to your ear and start listening and talking. Its un-natural and not exactly comfortable. So, one thing is for sure that you are going to depend on your mobile phone for the real functionality a...

What the future holds!

The world of technology is evolving so fast that its hard enough to keep pace with the present let alone the future. every day we come across something that amazes us and we think to ourselves where the hell have i been while the world has come up with this!. with this rapid evolution one tends to think where is it all going and whats next! And its not a million dollar question, because if you ponder around on the internet a bit and see what the torchbearers of the tech world are doing, it would become pretty obvious. there are three things that are creating all the buzz right now and the big players in the IT world have their eyes fixed on them Wearable technology Health Assistance Home Automation It's no secret now that smart watches and Google glass is the new word on the street and what they're trying to compete at is how deeply it integrates into your life. So, they enable you to track your activities with it and monitor your heart rate with it and what not an...