Wearable Technology that would really become a part of life!

wearable technology is the new focus around the tech town. everyone is coming up with their smart watch and Google is due to release the Google Glass. while it all seems cool because its new, there are a few problems that need to be addressed to make these wearable gadgets really integrate into the consumers life.

first of all the screen is just too small for common telephonic operations i.e calling and texting let alone tweeting, facebooking and browsing. You can see different notifications but you can't respond easily. Performing an actual operation like calling some one, or look for a location on a map or perform some mathematical calculations. These tasks all require some input for which the screen is just too small.

The 2nd is listening to a call, you cant just hold your watch to your ear and start listening and talking. Its un-natural and not exactly comfortable.

So, one thing is for sure that you are going to depend on your mobile phone for the real functionality and your smart watch is just going to deliver notification without the hassle of pulling your phone out.

But there is another alternative! the wearable smart glass (taking about Google glass here), but reviewing the wearable in general it also can not be a complete solution as it covers both visual display without looking anywhere else, cause the display is integrated into your view with the addition of an audio out put. You could use your Google Glass for calling, navigation, taking pictures, let others see what you are and view something! but the problem would be the input again. I don't know how much gesture recognition has evolved but its surely not natural enough to type invisibly in the air and the glass be able to understand it, also the voice recognition, while this has improved significantly but it still isn't all natural and it fails to integrate in the lives of all those with not pure English accents or other languages that it understands.

So! a complete tentative solution would be where the consumer could view, listen and make some input into the device which completes the human field of interaction. It forms a hybrid of these devices, the watch, the glasses and the mobile phone. If some one could resolve this puzzle and develop a device that is hassle free to the extent that you don't have specially pull something out of your pocket, or squint at something minuscule or speak out aloud letting others know exactly what you are thinking of doing, that would be a real integration in to the human life!


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